About Arquilla Labs

ArquillaLabs is an intergalactic consortium of research corporations that produce spaceships, pharmaceuticals, computational intelligences and weapons for the Galactic Empire of the Star Wars ™Universe.

From blasters to mini holdout guns, to ion cannons for your average smuggler's freighter, ArquillaLabs does it all. We have materials labs, chemistry labs biological labs and high energy physics labs.

See some of our product examples on the right.


Actually, it is Mike Arquilla's personal website, showcasing his obsessions hobbies (expensive hobbies 'r' us), family and travel photos, and some of the live-action science fiction activies he does. So why "ArquillaLabs", you ask?

When he was looking for a domain name waaaaaaayyyyy back in 1997, he found that Arquilla.com was already taken; by an import foods company in Australia, no less. The .net and .org domains, and the newer .ws and .info domains were of less interest to him, so he chose the name of a fictional corporation that he uses in our Star Wars ™ role playing club, Forces of the Empire.

Once the deed was done, he realized that it is a perfectly appropriate domain for himself. After all, life is about learning, and where best to learn but in a lab?

There is a lot to see here, although the site is of course, a work in progress. Posted here are such things as family photo albums, dive logs, ballroom dance information, and ham radio information on this site. So feel free to look around, and check back frequently for any changes!